Back again.
Read the rest of this entry »WoW – Fast Raid Progression
Whelp, it’s been 3 weeks since we started raiding again and I’m absolutely thrilled with our rapid progress. I finally got around to updating up kills shot gallery with our new Tectus and Twin Orgon screenshots and we’re looking at our 6th new boss kill next week and I feel we have a good shot […]

WoW – We’re back, 3 Bosses in Normal Bloodmaul down!
Last night we managed to pull together a fairly successful raid in my book! In an hour and 30 minutes we managed to clear the first three bosses in normal Highmaul! This was the first real raid in almost two years for our team so it was really exciting to see everyone in a group […]

WoW – Warlords Raiding and you
Let me start by Blaming Hellwolf for this. His tactic to toss the GM title back on me obviously worked because I want to get us rolling again in the raid scene. I’m not interested in doing a 7 day a week push, however I would like to see us get our feet wet and […]

Guide – Garrisons and you!
Darkmuscles presents – Guides to Garrisons! Garrisons are awesome, but what buildings are best for your playstyle can be a little confusing at first. So I have decided to ease the minds of those who don’t know what to do with them by listing what my thoughts are on each of the buildings and why […]

Blarghing – Warcrimes
I just finished listening to the audiobook, Warcrimes, detailing the trial of Drannosh and his eventual escape. I’m …damn near compelled to play again. Pages upon pages could be written for or against that statement, but WoW Zergadins will see Blarghe (probably healing, that dumb pally can tank) playing on launch. Others will show for […]

You’re damn right I logged in!
WoW classic fools! I’m about to go miss a lot on some lowbie monsters. Don’t know what server yet, respond if you have one! DAVE! DAVE! That’s all – I hope it’s kinda like a batman signal… Sooo…Paladins…or Batmans…yes! …ploural…we can all be batmans.
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WoW – Fast Raid Progression
Whelp, it’s been 3 weeks since we started raiding again and I’m absolutely thrilled with our rapid progress. I finally got around to updating up kills shot gallery with our new Tectus and Twin Orgon screenshots and we’re looking at our 6th new boss kill next week and I feel we have a good shot […]
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WoW – We’re back, 3 Bosses in Normal Bloodmaul down!
Last night we managed to pull together a fairly successful raid in my book! In an hour and 30 minutes we managed to clear the first three bosses in normal Highmaul! This was the first real raid in almost two years for our team so it was really exciting to see everyone in a group […]
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WoW – Warlords Raiding and you
Let me start by Blaming Hellwolf for this. His tactic to toss the GM title back on me obviously worked because I want to get us rolling again in the raid scene. I’m not interested in doing a 7 day a week push, however I would like to see us get our feet wet and […]
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Guide – Garrisons and you!
Darkmuscles presents – Guides to Garrisons! Garrisons are awesome, but what buildings are best for your playstyle can be a little confusing at first. So I have decided to ease the minds of those who don’t know what to do with them by listing what my thoughts are on each of the buildings and why […]
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Blarghing – Warcrimes
I just finished listening to the audiobook, Warcrimes, detailing the trial of Drannosh and his eventual escape. I’m …damn near compelled to play again. Pages upon pages could be written for or against that statement, but WoW Zergadins will see Blarghe (probably healing, that dumb pally can tank) playing on launch. Others will show for […]
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Blarghing – I am….stuck. An old gamer journey.
First off, sorry Dave, no image. Second, my “fancy” new hand me down 5 year old pieced together from old work computer parts home theater / gaming PC runs Media Center great, but this is the first time I’ve tried to type on the keyboard I grabbed from work. OMG, nuke this thing. The spacebar […]
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Hearthstone – Best pack EVA!
I was playing with hearthstone last night and noticed someone a little different on Battlenet. Hellwolf had decided to give the game a try! I got to talking with him and he was having a difficult time winning because he hadn’t accumulated any cards. I’ve been playing the game religiously since it was in Beta […]
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Blarghing – I fail at Murloc
For real. I started a Murloc deck, using a Warlock, got/crafted all the Murloc cards (every one of them) and don’t win matches. The reason I made the deck was because every time I encountered a Murloc deck on one of my other decks, I got stomped. *Every time*. Probably 0/4 or 0/5. Now, I […]
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