Archive for the ‘Hearthstone’ Category

Hearthstone – Best pack EVA!

I was playing with hearthstone last night and noticed someone a little different on Battlenet. Hellwolf had decided to give the game a try! I got to talking with him and he was having a difficult time winning because he hadn’t accumulated any cards. I’ve been playing the game religiously since it was in Beta […]

Blarghing – I fail at Murloc

For real. I started a Murloc deck, using a Warlock, got/crafted all the Murloc cards (every one of them) and don’t win matches. The reason I made the deck was because every time I encountered a Murloc deck on one of my other decks, I got stomped. *Every time*. Probably 0/4 or 0/5. Now, I […]

Hearthstone – Beta coming to a close!

Hearthstone is doing their open Beta test right now. That’s right, this is just the beta and it’s coming to an end very soon. This means that if you want to get a Golden Geblin Mekkatorque card, you’re going to need to get it now. The card itself will still be in the game. But, […]

Hearthstone – Hidden Quests Ahoy!

Did you know there are hidden quests you can do for gold when you start Hearthstone? Some of them will grant you some extra cards but some of them will grant you gold as well. In fact, if you do all of these hidden quests you will end up with a total of 1,000 gold […]

Hearthstone – The next Expansion!

I Hate doing little posts like this but I couldn’t resist posting this. The newest machinima from AFK Players portrays the final experience in our beloved game: Hearthstone: The Ultimate Expansion. Make sure you stay through the credits to hear the very special music mix. Check it out, it’s pretty funny!

Hearthstone – Piles o’ cards

I’ve been playing Hearthstone for roughly 3 weeks now Blarghe wrote a post on it a while back and I decided to take the plunge. The timing was good – I finally cracked when my android game, Marvel Puzzle quest, made some significant changes to several characters I was enjoying playing with … my Thor […]

Hearthstone – Next!

Heroes of Warcraft. Addicting: yeup. I’ve already played against several people who obviously have way better decks, and nearly won. That’s the lure that will bring me back – the near wins. The featured image is kinda junky, but it’s still in open beta so I didn’t find much (aka: didn’t look very hard)