I came across this guy today that specializes in making costumes out of complete garbage. I couldn’t stop laughing at this so I decided to post it for all to see! This man has shown us that You don’t need to wear expensive costumes to look awesome… but it sure does help! See below and […]
Archive for the ‘Panzers Costume Corner’ Category
Panzers Costume Corner – Captain America P2
Hey again! It’s been close to a month since my last update on this costume build. Heroes inc is in the middle of preparing a new costume for one of our volunteers – Captain America!We were joking that after we’re done we’ll need to make a Captain Canada and make them fight! So progress on […]
Panzers Costume Corner: Captain America P1
Phew! Been a while since I did a blog on my costumes! Over the past year I’ve really gotten pretty hardcore into my costume designing and creation. I’ve been learning how to build latex molds, fiberglass, and sculpting with clays and plasticine to build different pieces… Zyley recently pointed out how ridiculous it is that […]
Panzers Costume Corner: Look Mom, I’m Famous!
Some of you may know by now that signed up with a Local Charity that suppots the BC childrens Hospital. I did a small event on saturday and actually got my picture in the paper. It’s kind of neat for me because I’ve never been in any media like this before. If you want to […]
Panzers Costume Corner: Skeletor, The REAL master of the universe P2
Just a small update regarding my Skeletor costume build. This one has been moving a little slower than I expected. Which is fine because The plan is to use this one for a Halloween costume this time around. I handed the hold fabric and body suit pattern to My Seamstress, Tracey, about 6 months ago […]
Panzers Costume Corner: Building Swtor Panzer Part 5
Alright, here is a massive update for everyone. This pretty much concludes the Helmet so this is a special one! I’ve been asked alot of question regarding wither or not I would be building the rest of the outfit … the answer is yes. The plan is to have the entire costume built by the […]
Panzers Costume Corner: Building Swtor Panzer Part 4
another round of updates for everyone! More drama with this damn build…. ugh. I’ve learned alot about how bondo and fiberglass can warp the hell out of your project if you let it run amok! So in this round I had to make some tough calls, and I think the project is better for it. […]
Panzers Costume Corner: Building Swtor Panzer Part 3
The build continues! A couple of things went sideways that I am trying to work around; but I’m confident I can fix it as I go. I gave the paper a coat of fiberglass resin, This makes the piece alot stronger, but Unfortunately … it melted the Mohawk. You can see in the pictures its […]
Panzers Costume Corner: Building Swtor Panzer Part 2
So, If you all remember I’ve been working with a model designer named Firefek on the replica forums since last summer. I was trying to get him to design a Pepakura File (See Building Swtor Panzer Part 1) for my character Helmet in Star Wars. If you remember I was planning to get together a […]
Panzers Costume Corner: Skeletor, The REAL master of the universe P1
Recently someone asked me, “So Panzer. What nerdy costume are you going to tackle next? You know, because you’re so nerdy?” I responded with a simply shrug. I suppose that wasn’t enough of an answer… “You should do Skeletor, you’re a skinny out of shape guy!” A quick look at my budging bicep and… Skeletor […]