“Since the fall of the Bastion of Twilight, Yor’sahj the Unsleeping has eagerly assisted Deathwing, providing the Destroyer with the means to release more faceless ones from their prisons deep beneath the earth. Their numbers are endless and their power is beyond reckoning, and Yor’sahj intends to reap a grim reward for his faithful service.” […]
Archive for March, 2012

Star Wars: The Old Republic Content Update 1.2 Preview

From: g4tv.com Bio Ware has been hard at work on SWTOR content update 1.2. One of the biggest features the update will be adding is the Legacy System. With the system you can unlock every species in every class. Let’s say you beat the game as a pure blood Sith, now you’ll be able to […]

Mists of Pandaria March 2012 Media Event FAQ

For those of you who have not been keeping up: World of Warcraft®: Mists of Pandaria™ March 2012 Media Event FAQ Q: What is World of Warcraft®: Mists of Pandaria™? Escalating tensions between the Alliance and Horde have broken out into open warfare. The roar of cannons blacken the sky while naval engagements around the […]

Achievement whoring: Where to solicit next?

Adding a new blog to our list of current blogs. Seeing as we have so much content on achievement grinding at the moment we should have a section on the site to reflect that. Calindril should love this one. As it stands right now we have taken everything we can out of in Ice Crown […]

Achievement Whoring: Bonestorm! final plunge into the frozen depths.

This is it ladies and gentlemen! The final Ice Crown Citadel run. It has been a long few months inside this instance, but I feel it has really brought a lot of the community together and has been a pleasant experience all around. These runs have made us a little more known on the Dragonmaw […]

SWTOR: Zergadins new ranking system

Hey folks, Grokk revised our old ranking system in the guild – FINALLY – and posted a discription of what he had in mind for the ranks to function as. So being the little boyscout that I am I am adding his write up to the front page. If you wish to see the original […]

Mario: With a portal gun! Now LIVE and ready for goombas!

A complete from scratch recreation of Super Mario Bros. with a focus on perfectly imitating the feel the 1985 classic gave us. Then give Mario a portal gun, add puzzle game mechanics from Portal and there you go. And if that wasn’t crazy enough, play 4-player coop, with everyone having their own Portal gun! The […]

Heal with Hate ®

If you’ve been around the Zergadins for any length of time, you’ve heard me utter what has become a catch phrase of mine. “Heal with Hate.” Some might brush this off as good ‘ole Zyley letting Pre Raid Mana Buffs get to his head again. Healing with Hate is more than Mind Benders and Holy […]

Pre Raid Mana Buffs

I’ve got two off beat cocktails for you today. The Salty Dog & Grey Hound. Both drinks are made exactly the same, with one garnish difference. To make a Grey Hound, combine Ruby 4 oz of Red Grapefruit with 1.5 oz. of your Favorite Vodka over crushed ice. Shake in a Stainless Steal ‘Tin’ and […]

SWTOR Patch 1.2

Click here for the test server patch notes. Keep reading for analysis of changes Zergadins will be interested in. 1) Hard Modes Flash Points no longer have a Lock Out. Let the rejoicing commence! 2) Guild Banks! When this goes live we’ll be taking donations to buy the access and extra tabs. I’d like to see three […]