Archive for December, 2012

WoW – Hellwolf! Hellwolf! Your farm is getting better in 5.2!

As per WoW Joystiq; Hellwolfs Farm is about to get a whole lot better!  That’s right! Hellwolfs life on the farm, which is where he spends all of his time, is undergoing some changes in the next patch. Hellwolf must be excited! There’s been plenty of talk over the last couple of months about Sunsong […]

SWTOR – Silverstrike’s Hybrid Sorc Build

Greetings fellow Force users!  It’s an exciting time to keep, or begin, adventuring in Star Wars the Old Republic.  One of the most represented classes in the game, Sorcerer/Sage, has the potential for an exciting Hybrid build.  You got it, the long forgotten cherry picked talent build is alive and well in the Old Republic.  […]

WoW – The Return of Vespeto

Stalking through the underbrush our hero Vespeto is taking the lay of the land, mapping the strange world of the black and white bears. Every time he does this he gets… smarter? No, bad word for it… more… experienced. He’s close now, close to a new level. 85 for so long… almost to 86 now. […]

Happy Holidays from the Zergadins!

To everyone in the Zergadins community; we hope that your Holidays are filled with awesome and you don’t get into too much trouble. We’ll be shutting down raiding (at least on the WoW side of things) until the start of January to allow for everyone to get their “coal” together!

SWTOR – 1st Anniversarry Christmas Gift Exchange

One week ago we held the Zergadin’s 1st Star Wars the Old Republic Gift Exchange.  It was a rumpus affair with all in attendance displaying their personal flair for fun. The event was held on the steps of the Sith Academy on Korriban.  For those Zergdadins out there that don’t know, Korriban is the starting […]

Panzers Costume Corner: Skeletor, The REAL master of the universe P1

Recently someone asked me, “So Panzer. What nerdy costume are you going to tackle next? You know, because you’re so nerdy?” I responded with a simply shrug. I suppose that wasn’t enough of an answer… “You should do Skeletor, you’re a skinny out of shape guy!” A quick look at my budging bicep and… Skeletor […]

Team Fortress 2 – WoW Vs Swtor

We had a Fantastic Turn out to our first attempt at a community challenge! Last night (or a few hours ago if your read this before midnight) Fourteen Zergadins players joined up and enjoyed some serious fun in our first even all Zergadins game challenge! We pitted our Swtor Chapter of Zergs against our WoW […]

SWTOR – The Lantern’s Arch Nemesis has Fallen

It was virtually 6 months to the day from the Zergadin’s Story Mode Kephess kill.  Six month of logistical issues before we downed Kephess on Hard Mode.  If you go back and look at the kill shots of EC HM, you can see the progression was steady, but something sinister was fighting against us from […]

Team Fortress 2 – TF2 Server Live

Well, it’s still kinda in “beta” as it’s been a LONG time since I’ve administered a dedicated HL/HL2 server, but here ya go! IP: Plug that into your favorites, and it should show up as “Fort Zerg.” I’ll put a password back on it later, but for now it’s open, to see if any […]

Zergadin Datacron Chronicles: Spacer’s Need Space P3

The night was young and the Life Day celebrations were in full swing. The streets on Nar Shadda were filled with fireworks and music. Hundreds of different species of alien roamed the streets and enjoyed the carnival type atmosphere. Amid the chaotic party Buhrn Silverstrike strutted into a spice lounge with an entourage of fine […]