A loud buzzer sounded to signal the opening of the cell block door. Metal bars clanked together as the door was quickly shut behind two Zergadins. Walter O. Dim, the dark sorcerer known for his jovial spirit and not-give-a-fuck attitude, stood there with his Partner in crime Nephalem Quintanilla Perez. The two entered the prison […]
Archive for January, 2013

The Zergadin Datacron Chronicles: Search for the Dahaki [Episode 1(In the Jailhouse Now)]

SWTOR – TFB Three bosses down with Solarissa!

Another great night of operations in the books. Almost getting down four bosses in one night makes me confident that we will have this place on farm within a month. Solarissa stepped in and performed beautifully. I’ll have to admit, I was a little skeptical about bringing in another member to the mix. After seeing […]

Team Fortress 2 – Round Three Dominated By Grokk!

Alright let’s get this out of the way. Yes, Grokk slaughtered ALL of us last night on too many occasions to count. We need to acknowledge this. (Even though he cheats and we all know it) at the end of the night he clearly stood out as the games champion. He also brought a lot […]

Team Fortess 2 – TONIGHT! 7:30PM PST Time!

Hu-hum, Gentlemen… and Kellie. Tonight is the 3rd Team Fortress 2 Zergadins Battle Royal. Who will tonight’s champion be? Will you seek glory for being the most productive member of your team? Or will you seek infamy, and be the most ruthless killer? Or will you simply look for Zyley and Blarghe to camp […]

SWTOR – Hard mode TFB kephess the undying Down!

Another week and another new boss kill. Our Swtor chapter is really ripping up this new content with our new raid team! Even though we had to carry Phazer through yet ANOTHER progression night; we still managed to juggle kephess the undying he fell flat on his face! After which time Zyley took all the […]

Team Fortress 2 – Round Two Won By Restive!

Okay… I’m just going to go out onto a limb and say it. Monday nights Team Fortress brawl was won by Restive. Yes I know Grokk got more kills then anyone with his damn spy – but at the end of the night the player that contributed the most to helping their team kick ass […]

SWTOR – Zergadins Warzone Premades; by Rauss

Hot off the forums: Hey guys, I finally finished my War Hero pvp set and would officially like to start getting a Zergadin’s pvp chapter. If anyone is interested in doing 4-8 man ranked/unranked premades then please express your interest either on this thread or talking to Rauss in game. If you enjoy pvp or […]

Team Fortress 2 – Prepare for battle!

Just a reminder – Monday night at 7:30 we are doing an all out Team Fortress 2 brawl. Blarghe has offered to get out server ready to go; if you you don`t have the IP for the server feel free to email Blarghe@zergadins.com. Also if you do not have the client installed yet; you need […]

Silverstrike’s Guide : Flash Point Groups and How to Deal with Them

The MMO genre is filled with less than desirable players. This guide is a primer on how to deal with different types of people. Good, Bad or in-between you come across many different team members in a Galaxy Far, Far Away… And another thing, come on Vaiken Space dock, lets take fashion sense into consideration […]

Cartel Market Statistics, straight from Bioware.

There was a grubby little post on the SWTOR official forums that drummed up a tasty chunk of info from Bioware. Apparently the Cartel Market, according to Bioware, is giving the Dev team resources to create more content. According to Damion Schubert, part of SWTOR’s Dev Team, “The success of the Cartel Market means that […]