I finally cracked and picked this up on steam. Excellent little casual games that you can pop into and play for 10 or 15 minutes, feel like a badass and then move on with your day. This is a stealth game. You might have a vast array of guns, attachments and armour at your disposal, […]
Archive for September, 2013

Blarghing – Into the hardcore fire

I just started Act4 (Inferno) on hardcore, MP3. I did most of my Inferno on MP1, but bumped it up to Mp3/4 when I got to Act3. Act3 Boss (Azmodan) took a few minutes, since I’m still playing a very defensive build. So far, this barb’s got what it takes. 🙂 Wish me luck! No […]

Blarghing – I had a bad experience

Sat down to play a little bit while my daughter naps, but had to use Sarah’s computer. Game was slightly choppy, and I got so nervous I had to stop playing, lol. Just into level 59, and I’ve lost two chars at 59 so far. >< Mental hurdle. Barb on MP10 hell, in the Act2 […]

WoW – The Siege of Ogrimmar!

Patch 5.4: The Siege of Orgrimmar is set to release in North America on September 10. Looks like they are getting ready to finish up this expansion with a set “Garrosh Hellscream’s treacherous excavation of the Vale of Eternal Blossoms has finished with sinister results — not just for Pandaria, but for all Azeroth. In […]

Swtor – What is the SSSP? I think I may know…

Well, I may not have any real idea, I know what it certainly looks like! SWTOR Super Secret Space Project SSSP is not so secret anymore with the release of a teaser video from the Seattle Cantina Tour tonight. I am not giving my hopes up this just yet. I still want to see more […]

Wildstar – Dungeons will be Long and Hard (heh)

It sounds like WildStar’s dungeons won’t be for everyone. They’re a bit tougher, a bit wilder, and a bit longer than the standard MMO crop today. Wildstar wasn’t looking to create a 15 minute dungeon run you can do in your sleep. If you’re looking for a breezy PvE experience, you might not even want […]

Community – Representing the Zergadins!

So after my big chain mail of Minecraft inquiries last week; I received a cute little image from one of our Swtor players, Phazer. He’s been playing a little Japanese game(?) called Maple story. He began playing it back when he was in junior high and recently had an itch for a more casual game […]

Panzers Costume Corner: Look Mom, I’m Famous!

Some of you may know by now that signed up with a Local Charity that suppots the BC childrens Hospital. I did a small event on saturday and actually got my picture in the paper. It’s kind of neat for me because I’ve never been in any media like this before. If you want to […]

Swtor – Test Server Patch Notes: Game Update 2.4

Late yesterday afternoon Amber Green dropped some new Public Test Server patch notes on us. Just going through the notes, it seems that 2.4 is really substantial and there sure seems to be some nice, juicy stuff in these patch note updates. Have a look: Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ Game Update 2.4: The Dread […]