BH Medic Class 401

P’anzer:  Finally, you hit 50!  Wanna run BT HM??? You know you want to!

Zyley:  Give me 15 mins, I need to gear and re-spec.

P’anzer:  What?  How do you even know what to respect for?  Let’s GOOOOO!

Zyley: /Koltoarrowtotheknee

P’anzer:  Not funny at all….

Perk up pukes!  You’ve made it to the final class for Medic Mercs.  I’m going to break you or make you, so listen up.   You in the back… (wtf was his name?…)  GROKK! I don’t give a damn what you think you know, you’ll pay attention to this damn class if I have to carbon freeze your mouth shut!… (damn Zabraks…)

You need to know a few things when you are gearing for Medic Healing.

1)       Dump Accuracy and Pick up Alacrity

2)      Gear for Aim >  Alacrity (to 10%) > Power > Crit > Surge

3)      You can purchase level 50 Gear Enhancements for 2 Corellia Commendations

To achieve the above complete as many Corellia Quests as possible and choose the commendation rewards every time.  After hitting Lvl 50 (About 2/3 through the planet) you should have about 24 commendations.  When you make the move to Medic spec, you have been DPS spec haven’t you…, grab the lvl 50 Medic Chest piece from the Correllia Equipment Vendor.  Next buy the Alacrity Enhancements for the rest of your gear.  Jam those enhancements into every available gear piece you have.  You will also want to start saving credits at about lvl 47 for Galactic Market purchases.  For 200,000 you can buy Implants and an Earpiece that will set you up nicely for HM healing.  On the GM stay away from Legs and Bracers.   They drop from the Black Talon HM, which you’ll become intimately familiar with.

Anyone of you scrubs that have healing experience should pick up the rotation no problem.  If you’ve never healed anything before you are in trouble.  Take your Tank Companion of choice and have them attack a Strong Enemy pack, and try to heal them up.  When you can heal that companion up without getting squashed you’ll be ready for a HM BT run.

At Level 50 your Rotation Priority will look like this:

Pre Pull Kolto Shell the Tank and Use Healing Scan to put an HoT on them.

After the Tank pulls, be a bad-ass and Power Shot an enemy into oblivion before healing the group!

Rapid Shots, Rapid scan, and Healing scan to keep up the party, while building stacks of Supercharged Gas.  Don’t just use your Rapid Scan Tech, that builds up too much heat.  Have a three skill rotation of Healing Scan, Rapid Scan, & Rapid Shots.  Here’s a seconds breakdown of an Ops maintenance healing rotation.

Kolto Missile (2 Seconds) > Healing scan (4 Seconds) > Rapid Scan (6 Seconds) > Rapid Shots (8 seconds) > Kolto Missile (10 Seconds) > Repeat…

If someone takes a big shot, use your instant Emergency Scan to stabilize them..

When you hit a damage spike ignite your Supercharged Gas and burn Healing Scan and Rapid Scan on all targets.  Toss out a Kolto Missile for AoE heals and Armor buff for.  Do not just burn Healing scan, it builds up too much heat when your supercharged!

Begin your rotation over again.

Remember to get the Credit Fee up front before healing a HM Flashpoint, you are a Bounty Hunter after all!

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