Let me start by Blaming Hellwolf for this. His tactic to toss the GM title back on me obviously worked because I want to get us rolling again in the raid scene. I’m not interested in doing a 7 day a week push, however I would like to see us get our feet wet and get back into the swing of things.
Consider this a call to arms. I am looking for any and all current and old members of Deaths Desires and Zergadins to through their hats in and have some fun. I do not expect us to steamroll anything, on the contrary I hope to reunite some old players and have a good time doing it while we play. If we don’t have the numbers we need to push heroic raiding we can just do LFRs until everyone is ready. I would like to see us really get back into things casually and enjoyably. I have it in mind to do a once a week starting point. 8:30pm – 10:30pm server time raid on the Dragonmaw server. So if you are on other servers you may need to check your clocks.
I have been asked what we need to be successful in these new raids and gear wise the answer is simple – be as close to 630ilvl as possible.
Currently our roster is small, and the guild is in bad shape. But I don’t want that to detour us. Let’s band together what we have and make a real push!