Apply to become a member of the Zergadins!

So you want to become a member of our community? Excellent! You can find our application form below. Please ensure that you meet the following criteria before applying. Once you are done, please give us time to review the application, and thank you for applying with Zergadins!

  • You must be over 18. If you are under the age of 18 you must have a guild sponsor.
  • You have read and understood the rules outlined in these pages.
  • You do not have an open application with another community.
  • You do not have alts in other raiding guilds which could conflict with ours.
  • You understand that there may not be a raid slot available to you.
  • You are applying on your main character.


Application Form:
[contact-form-7 id=”741″ title=”Contact form 1″]