If you haven’t met Menphis, then my friend you are missing out! Her Tmog choice pretty much sums up this Fappers outlook on WoW. She has chosen a Rogue Bloodfang Recolour for her Boomkin druid. What the Fapping Fap is that all about? If you want this set, you’ll have to brave the Outland dungeons […]
Posts Tagged ‘Transmog of the Week’

Transmog of the Week

Snugglemuffin is sporting a Battlegear of Might Recolor, and rocking a Lightbringer’s Helm as an accent. Completing the look is our Guild Tabard and Gold embroidered white cloak. The Massive Two-Hander is impressive, but the T-mog has since been changed from when I snapped this pic. If anyone can identify the mighty weapon please do […]