Posts Tagged ‘zergadins’

SWTOR : Ops Leader Wanted

Good Morning Zergs! Our Ops attendance has been rocky the last few weeks. I’m going to attribute this to the roller coaster scheduling caused by my off days. To remedy this we are going to need a committed Operations leader to take the reigns of Zergadin Ops on Vaiken Spacedock. I would like to see […]

SWTOR : Crewskills Database

Greetings Comrades.  Thanks to the know how of Panzer and my relentlessness nagging, our Crewskills Database is live. Here’s the link to our page.  You can directly access the page under the SWTOR tab in the navigation bar above you.  We’ll soon have a large flashing link at the top of all our pages. […]

SWTOR – How We Zerg

Greetings fellow Zergadins. Many of you were present for the 16 man story mode Terror from Beyond run on 4/2. It was not my best job of leading, and I’ll leave it at that. The failed raid brought up some feelings in the group, and everyone had a point. I’ll use our ‘Big Discussion’ as […]

SWTOR – We are as Healthy as we are Active

Simply put, the break’s over for guild Ops/Activity in April. We’ve all had a good chunck of time off from the Winter season of Ops, Spring Ops will start up in April. The progression spots are yours to lose. Everyone knows who was in the last progression group, but it’s a new season of Ops […]

SWTOR – Gree Event and Spring Progression

The  Gree boss Operation is scheduled for this Sunday at 7:30 server.  Attendance will determine if I schedule another for next Sunday.  If the attendance is spotty, I’ll just put together Ops on the fly for it next week. The Spring Progression is slated to start in early April.  We will focus on Nightmare Mode […]

SWTOR- Weekly Blog Schedule

I’ve set up a scheduled of weekly blog topics on the Force Junkies site. Monday : Credits & Crew Skills Tuesday: Professional Tanks Wednesday : Front Line Medic Thursday : Advanced Arms Friday : Warzone Combat Log Saturday : Guild Guidance Sunday : Point of View If anyone would like to write up a blog […]

SWTOR – The Gree World Event… In a nutshell

Why we are on Illum? The Gree want us to beat the snot out of Aliens and each other for Research. What do we get out of it? The snot beat out of us. Really? That’s it? If you know how to work the system, you can get some goodies out of it. Here’s the […]

Silverstrike’s Rep Gear Summary

Head on over to Force Junkies to check out my Rep gear summary. Along with the usual guides on the Junkies’ site, I’ll be posting blogs about the goings on of the SWTOR Community. I’m hopeful in my new endeavor to generate some interest and increased traffic on the site. I promise this though, if […]

SWTOR – Patch 1.7 : Mount Up!

Technical stuff out of the way.  Hit this to see official patch notes. Now here’s the kicker for us on a PvP server. The northern ‘PvE’ area can host Operation size groups. That means players trying to complete objectives in the northern bowl could, and will, run into Opposite faction 8 man + sized groups. […]

SWTOR – TFB HM Progression Zerged

Last night’s ending to our Terror from Beyond Hard Mode progression was filled with more lyrics than wipes.  A quick 2 hour learning curve was all we needed to smooth out our strategy for the final encounter.  Compared to our EC HM Progression this Ops was like a night of drunken Karaoke.  Well that’s every […]